Friday, July 13, 2007

What if there is no God? Only Satan?

I recently finished reading a book, "The Lucifer Code" by Michael Cody. The book is a fictional sci fic thriller, that is nothing similar to the "Da Vinci Code".

The storyline is about a terrifying religious conspiracy to stage a most ambitious experiment the world has ever seen - to prove beyond doubt the existence of a heaven or a hell.

The following is an excerpt from the book which i find interesting. Page 291. The speech is from a character in the book, Accosta, the Red Pope, who has gone to the other side.


"I am a servant of the Lord. I have seen His power and i know His will. He has ordered me to return and reveal the Soul Truth."

"I have always believed in God, my God, who created mankind in His own image to worship Him. An all-powerful, all-knowing, compassionate God."

"When i was younger, I was troubled by what the philophers call the Problem of Evil. Given all the evil in the world, how can an all-powerful, all knowing, merciful God exist? Either God knows about evil, cares for it, but can't do anything about it - in which case He is not all-powerful, or He cares about it, can do something about it, but doesn't know about it - in which case he is not all-knowing, or he knows about it, can do something about it, but doesn't care about it - in which case he is neither merciful or compassionate."

"I have always squared this inconsistency by believing that my powerful, omniscient, benign God allowed evil in the world to give us, his greatest creation, the gift of free will. To trust us with the ability to choose between good and evil, even in face of our harshest trials ad tribulations. I now know the truth about good and evil. And now I know this truth it seems so obvious to me. After all, what God would create man simply to worship Him? What Supreme Being could be so vain, so petty?"

"There is no Problem of Evil because our Lord did not create us to worship Him. I always assumed God created a perfect ordered world - an Eden - then introduced the serpent of evil to test us. But this isn't true. Our Lord created an evil world then introduced good. The natural state in the world and the next is chaos - entropy. Evil is the normal way of the world, and good was only introduced as a capricious whim. The Lord only created us to enhance his amusement. That is the sole reason for our existence.

"As a child builds a stack of bricks only to knock it down again, our Lord allows us to climb higher and higher, believing in virtue and goodness and honour, only to dash us down with random acts of evil."

"There is no heaven, only arbitrary suffering. Life beyond death is as cruel and random as life on earth - except that it is eternal. There is no escape. There is no karma. No justice. No elysian fields where the good may find peace after a hard life. There is no divine order, just chaos. The Soul Truth, which i can reveal to you no is, that God, the God to whom, i dedicated my life on earth - doesn't exist."

"I am a soul in torment. The Lord I have willingly served all my life, and the Lord I am now condemned to serve for all eternity, is not God. There is only one Lord and he is the Lord of chaos and darkness. He is the Devil. Satan himself."

"Forgive me, I took my journey full of hope but I have returned with non. There is no hope. There is no God. I cannot even pray for you."


The next following text passage is from another character in the book., Soames Bradley. Page 425.

"Two thousand years ago, God sent down his first son. He was a good man who preached compassion and forgiveness - he even died on the cross for humanity to teach you the true way of God. But it didn't work. Religions fought with each other over their interpretations of Christ's teachings. They got in the way of faith. It no longer became an issue of free will but of power and guilt. Where's the free will in a priest saying, "Do what i tell you to do or you'll go to Hell"? That isn't free will, that's obeying orders because you fear punishment.

"Priests are only men anyway. They don't care about understanding God - they care about building power in this world. But God doesn't want vast churches and adoration. He's not that kind of father. He wants you, His most ambitious creation, to come of age and no longer need him. That's what his first son tried to explain. Living a good life is its own reward - at death each individual will experience his own soul truth. But no one listened.

"So He sent down a second son, a darker son. Not to preach good and kindess this time, but to prove once and for all that God doesn't exist. That only the Devil hold sway. Only then could mankind outgrow the shackles of religion and develope its own sense of right and wrong - true free will. After all, one can only make a truly virtuous choice then there's no promise of reward. So this is God's gift to you, to erase Himself from your consciousness.


Before any one dismissed the book as blasphemous and deluded, let's keep an open mind and enjoy the book as it truly is. A book of fiction.

Frankly, this book is quite a relative good read. Not the best though. The story is a bit slow at times. But the above concepts are quite refreshing.

Normally it takes me about 3-5 days to complete a book. But I was busy and not in the mood for reading and so this book took me more than 2 weeks.

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