Monday, July 2, 2007

Recipe: Daging or ayam merah

01 Jul 2007, ST


2kg beef or mutton or 1 whole large chicken

2 handfuls dried chilli (soak and grind to a paste)

7.5cm-piece ginger (grind after slicing into thin pieces)

10 pieces kaffir lime leaves (thinly sliced)

5 stalks lemongrass (bruised)

3 Tbs tomato puree

120ml sweet soya sauce (the Habhal brand from Indonesia is recommended)

125ml coooking oil

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1. Combine all ingredients and leave for about 2 hours.

2. Heat up oil and add combined ingredients.

3. Continue to cook until meat is tender and quite dry, stirring every now and then to prevent burning.

Verdict: The ginger, lime leaves and lemongrass gave this dish a beautifully piquant and textured flavour. It's magnificent with rice or bread. My only complaint was that it was not spicy enough. It turned out that Hassan - fearful that I was a Chinese chilli coward - used only half the dried chilli called for in the recipe. Aiyah!

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