Friday, June 29, 2007

Words of Wisdom gleamed from the TV

I saw this in a dialog on TV. Found it meaningful enough to share it online.

What is life?

The clouds in the sky become rain.
Rain becomes water on land and flows into the sea.
After evaporation, the clouds are formed again.
This is a never ending cycle.

Water from the sky comes to earth and then returns to the sky.
It seems to be a journey in vain.
But in the process, it has breathed life into animals and cultivated the land.

All the troubles come from within us.
Moe than often or not, one's troubles are not caused by external forces,
but by incessant worry.
Happiness and worry last only for some years.

Humans tend to magnify problems,
but if we look beyond ourselves,
we are as small as grains of sand.
Small and unimportant.

Gatherings and partings are facts of life,
why do we bother over them?
If we really have affinity, we will meet again in the house of God.

Life is like a dream.
As long as you live it well,
why would its duration matter?
Real life and happiness begins in the afterlife.

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